Since there are no names or dates on any cast ballots, it is quite simple for liars to just enter blank ballots in place of all other ballots. Who could ever catch them doing it? There is no reason any election personnel should ever get to correct or make any decision on someone else's ballot. People simply cannot be trusted with other people's ballots any more than they could with other people's money. Ballot's are more important than money.

If a voter can't follow simple grade school directions to cast a proper ballot, maybe they shouldn't vote? At any rate, their ballot should simply be tossed in the void pile, not adjudicated by some politically motivated election workers.

ES&S and Dominion equipment scan every square inch, front and back, of every ballot for unidentifiable marks, which causes millions of rejections/adjudications in every Presidential and other elections. A huge scam to control the outcome of every election. And, so obvious to those with at least two brain cells sparking.

Why scan every square inch instead of just the ovals filled in or not? Why does an over or under vote cause rejection for adjudication? To steal the election, of course. Why else?

There is no other credible reason.

Not one thing has changed with the election equipment that will be used again in a couple months. How stupid is everyone, actually?

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Where can the debate be seen online?

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It was over before I even received this comment. Or will I still be able to see it and for how long?

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