We know that millions of Americans are being “ACTUALLY DISENFRANCHISED” through the illegal adjudication of their fully cast ballots as being deemed 100% BLANK when we know they are NOT 100% Blank…
One of the most egregious examples of this that we identified in the 2020 November Election was in Broward County Florida…
What is an "Under-Vote"?
According to the United States Election commission and 40 states...
Under-votes (A1b): Of the 54 responding States (Guam did not provide a response to this question), 40 States define an under-vote to be a ballot on which fewer than the maximum number of allowed votes are cast in a contest or failing to vote at all in a particular contest or question.
This is the definition that the Tampa Bay Times claims to be the definition of a “BLANK BALLOT”.
According to the 2014 EAC Statutory Survey that was published in January 2015 and the numerous EAC Statutory Surveys that Maria Matthews the current Director of the Florida Division of Elections submitted to the United States Election Commission for 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010...
2010 - https://scribd.com/document/711984799/2010-Florida-Statutory-Overview-2010-Response-EAC-Survey…
What Is A Blank Ballot?
According to the United States Election Assistance Commission, the operators manuals for the electronic voting systems, the certification laboratories and more than half of all the states in America…
According to the 2014 EAC Statutory Survey on Page 5 the definition is quite clear.
Blank Ballots (A1c): The most common definition for a blank ballot, reported by 24 States, is a ballot on which there are NO votes for ANY contest. Nine more States indicated that, in addition to defining a blank ballot as no votes for any contest, “unreadable votes” are also considered a blank ballot.
Who goes out during early voting, vote by mail, on election day and provisionally casts a 100% BLANK BALLOT?
The easiest way to settle this “debate” is for Julie Marcus the Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections is to take the following actions:
ACTUALLY BE TRANSPARENT - Release the full unredacted audit logs
Concealing, delaying, altering public records is a very clear violation of Florida Statute 838.022(c)
Based on my work nationwide, we know exactly what is in the “Audit Logs” that the Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections is hiding…
Let’s secure the data and get rid of the compromised voting machines…
If you made it this far and you want to hear more about Blank Ballots and see the Gleason vs Marcus Debate…
Since there are no names or dates on any cast ballots, it is quite simple for liars to just enter blank ballots in place of all other ballots. Who could ever catch them doing it? There is no reason any election personnel should ever get to correct or make any decision on someone else's ballot. People simply cannot be trusted with other people's ballots any more than they could with other people's money. Ballot's are more important than money.
If a voter can't follow simple grade school directions to cast a proper ballot, maybe they shouldn't vote? At any rate, their ballot should simply be tossed in the void pile, not adjudicated by some politically motivated election workers.
ES&S and Dominion equipment scan every square inch, front and back, of every ballot for unidentifiable marks, which causes millions of rejections/adjudications in every Presidential and other elections. A huge scam to control the outcome of every election. And, so obvious to those with at least two brain cells sparking.
Why scan every square inch instead of just the ovals filled in or not? Why does an over or under vote cause rejection for adjudication? To steal the election, of course. Why else?
There is no other credible reason.
Not one thing has changed with the election equipment that will be used again in a couple months. How stupid is everyone, actually?
Where can the debate be seen online?