This is not a plot. This is a location with residences for people who work at the church. It's where they actually live. They work long hours so it's understandable if they request vote by mail ballots. End of story.
Seriously? How much evidence do you need? Chris has provided mounds of evidence of fraud. In Lee county I personally know three people who received mail in ballots they did not request. Two of them filed written complaints with our current corrupt scandal ridden Lee County, FL Supervisor of Elections (SoE), Tommy Doyle, and they got a bunch of gibberish nothing answers from the SoE office. People, the Cabal is real. Don’t be fooled by the R after an elected official’s name. Keep up the good work Chris!
President Trump would be in the Whitehouse today if State Legislatures had effectively codified the election integrity requirements in their State Constitutions. The Islamosocialist Cabal-led 'election fraud enabled' "Uni-Party (single party) Dictatorship" will never allow another President (or candidate in a race they need to win) to be elected) ... who is not a Democrat or Rino or worst ... unless and until ... those election integrity requirements in State Constitutions have been sufficiently codified.
Please call me when you have time to talk and we can discuss details, solutions and talking points of why and how to eliminate unconstitutional mail-in ballots and possibly replace them with voting processes that are Constitutional and maintain election integrity ... in addition to other pathways to have election law and/or State Emergency Action to define and enforce the other election integrity requirements of your State Constitution ... so as to achieve lawful election Requirements which are created with election integrity as the highest priority and provide no pathway to unprosecutable and/or uncorrectable election fraud.
864-419-2797, Greenville SC ... 9am-9pm EDT.
"Pathways2FutureElectionIntegrity_November24&Beyond" on Telegram app ...
Mail in Ballots are a road the DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA! Voting machines should be outlawed as well. In 2016, Hillary Clinton lost a rigged election, (in her favor) underestimating Trump's appeal with voters. Democrats have no souls, that gives them license to do whatever they can to Steal Elections. And the stupid or Bibed/extorted Republican's don't do anything but talk a good game.
If any Democrats here don't believe me prove me wrong! Every 'Demoncrat,' voter is GUILTY OF MURDER.
All those email addresses belong to Scientology as does the apt complex at that address.
Are you suggesting that the Church of Scientology is illegally requesting voter ballots, harvesting ballots and casting them for people?
This is not a plot. This is a location with residences for people who work at the church. It's where they actually live. They work long hours so it's understandable if they request vote by mail ballots. End of story.
Hmm... good question.
Gleason Prove what you have said. You sound like conspiracy theorist. I will not vote for you unless you prove people are actually voting fraudulently
How many facts do you want?
How many facts do you personally require for you to deem a conspiracy theory an actual factual conspiracy?
Seriously? How much evidence do you need? Chris has provided mounds of evidence of fraud. In Lee county I personally know three people who received mail in ballots they did not request. Two of them filed written complaints with our current corrupt scandal ridden Lee County, FL Supervisor of Elections (SoE), Tommy Doyle, and they got a bunch of gibberish nothing answers from the SoE office. People, the Cabal is real. Don’t be fooled by the R after an elected official’s name. Keep up the good work Chris!
You are delusional. I am running to expose it all. Go read my substack from the beginning you might learn something Ron Ogden.
Read the email address for all those "voters" at 551 N Saturn Ave.
Those are all Church of Scientology email addresses.
Doesn't mean they don't have a right to vote, but does explain why there is no Apartment or Suite number. It's like sending ballots to the Jail.
President Trump would be in the Whitehouse today if State Legislatures had effectively codified the election integrity requirements in their State Constitutions. The Islamosocialist Cabal-led 'election fraud enabled' "Uni-Party (single party) Dictatorship" will never allow another President (or candidate in a race they need to win) to be elected) ... who is not a Democrat or Rino or worst ... unless and until ... those election integrity requirements in State Constitutions have been sufficiently codified.
Please call me when you have time to talk and we can discuss details, solutions and talking points of why and how to eliminate unconstitutional mail-in ballots and possibly replace them with voting processes that are Constitutional and maintain election integrity ... in addition to other pathways to have election law and/or State Emergency Action to define and enforce the other election integrity requirements of your State Constitution ... so as to achieve lawful election Requirements which are created with election integrity as the highest priority and provide no pathway to unprosecutable and/or uncorrectable election fraud.
864-419-2797, Greenville SC ... 9am-9pm EDT.
"Pathways2FutureElectionIntegrity_November24&Beyond" on Telegram app ...
Mail in Ballots are a road the DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA! Voting machines should be outlawed as well. In 2016, Hillary Clinton lost a rigged election, (in her favor) underestimating Trump's appeal with voters. Democrats have no souls, that gives them license to do whatever they can to Steal Elections. And the stupid or Bibed/extorted Republican's don't do anything but talk a good game.
If any Democrats here don't believe me prove me wrong! Every 'Demoncrat,' voter is GUILTY OF MURDER.
I just received a ballot that neither me or the family asked for. It's going in the trash and I'll tear it up first!
Vote by mail ballots should be done on a yearly basis ,people move and lots of times Mail does not get forwarded. This is a big problem !!