Get rid of anything but paper ballots on day of election. The vote counters need to be trustworthy as well as being watched at all times. That sounds like an oxymoron but it has to be this way.

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Jun 29Liked by Christos

WOW! Praying Pinellas Didn’t cheat, steal and lie but now watching this wondering 🧐🤔

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many eyeballs, bodycams, cameras, and ALL garbage pails MUST be inspected- and no bagscomimng in ot going out without detailed inspection by two observers at the same time.

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Jun 29Liked by Christos

Much gratitude for the important work you are doing. Citizen involvement is critical and will be even more so in the days to come. We know that much corruption (visible and invisible) is taking place.

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I’ll vote for you. These “girl bosses” make me sick. Women are twice as deceptive as men and half as competent… Kamala comes to mind as well as Hillary

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Wow such beta vibes....this comment screams 'I live in my mommy's basement' lol. And to the 4 people who liked it....I'm sorry for your mom's, sisters, and daughters.

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Sounds like a typical girl boss reply. Well, I left home at 18 and never returned. After college I went on to own my own business and was in the workforce for 42 years. I know of what I speak… sorry if this hit a nerve…. Now go clean the kitchen ! lol 😂

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Lol ok beta boomer, no one asked for your lame life story. I'll let you get back to creepin your way to the grim reaper 🤣

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Whatever. You’ll “let me” - too funny 😂 Good luck with the 21st Century-

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Lmao someone come collect their grandpa, he got lost on the internet again. I'll enjoy the 21st century as much as you enjoyed the 17th 😙

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Using programmable machines to count our votes is a certain loss of control of the election process. We MUST do as most European nations now do and the US used to do. Count votes by hand. Hold elections on one day. make certain each voter is qualified to vote.

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WOW! just WOW!! The Sheriff!?!

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I'm a veteran who lives as expat. I prefer paper ballots for absentees but this year I might fax my vote in. As a conservative, I look up to the State of Texas that prosecuted those proven to be part of electoral fraudulent activities.

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