I would like to find a way to indict this judge for her crimes. Legal eagles - What if Maryland were to impanel a grand jury (the Constitutional kind, which is outside the control of any part of the government or its corrupt judicial system). Would such a body not be able to gather inculpatory evidence and ultimately render a series of felony indictments against her? Isn't it high time that we the people started to take back the authority given to us by the highest law in the land?

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May 9Liked by Christos

Thousands of dedicated volunteer hours made this suit not only possible but STRONG! To be dismissed on such weak reasoning by this judge is beyond unacceptable! As we enter the presidential election of 2024, the legal, registered voters of Maryland will again be denied their rightful free and fair election. Just like since 2014!


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Excellent series Chris. Thanks for all your hard work and efforts in exposing the corruption and facts. God bless you.

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