Jun 18Liked by Christos

So you are saying that Republicans are as bad as the Democrats? Well, I'm SHOCKED!!

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The purple party republicans are just as bad if not worse to be honest. They comprise the 7% that have either been participants in the cheating or directly benefitted from the cheating.

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These numbers make perfect sense. I have been calling and writing some of the people you mentioned since 2020. The interest in the evidence and references I shared was nonexistent.

Latvala (as state rep and county comm) never addressed anything I sent, just quickly asserted that everything "is fine with FL elections" and "Julie Marcus is doing a great job."

DiCeglie and Julie Marcus never replied to my inquiries.

Julie's office staff laughed at me when I suggested hand counts of paper ballots at the precinct level. One woman told me she trusts machines more than people. Dustin Chase answered my call once to defend machines.

Interesting info on Dustin Chase: He used to work at various TV stations. In his Linkedin profile he promotes that while at WFTS-TV he "Interviewed Presidents Bush Sr., Bush, Clinton, and Obama."

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Sad is that this is going to be an uphill slog for Candidates in nearly (or is it more than?) 20% of the Counties of Florida's Supervisors of Elections! Why? Because the Cabal's of local entrenched establishment politicos Know that the SoE's office holds the keys to the kingdom. What we know is who holds Their Keys....ES&S, VR Systems, that Cabal, and aside this year, Everyone with money Except the Voters. My wife has been thru 26 General Elections, 26 Primary Elections and only ever wasn't allowed to vote, twice in her entire adult life, both times thru SoE Incompetence, Both Times in LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA. The Former SoE, Sharon Harrington completely had that pooch sexually assaulted in 2012, when lines for voting in Cape Coral Exceeded 12 hours of waiting, and for November, it was an exceptionally hot weather early voting period as well as election day (North of 90F, and ambulances were running all day long dealing with the heat prostration and heat strokes. Second Occasion was 2022, when Lawful Electors from Across Collier, Lee, Charlotte, Desoto, Manatee, Pinellas and even Hillsborough we scattered to the wind by FEMA after displacement (destroyed housing) by Hurricane IAN. Yes it was bad, however, living in the state with the most hurricane impacts of all 50, perhaps a 'PLAN' would've been the solution? Instead the Governor had to authorize changes (not technically legally, per the US Constitution) to allow ballots to be mailed to where the displaced had been relocated (imagine folks from greater Naples and Fort Myers, now residing in a hotel in JACKSONVILLE, or worse, Brunswick, Ga, or even Atlanta, Ga, Such was the case for many THOUSANDS of registered voters, and my wife was residing in our Daughter's back bedroom outside Lake City, Fl (a mere 5.75 hrs North when I-75 is flowing smoothly, remember those days? me neither) but she was safe, she could still work, and I had a House to gut and start over in the bones nearly from scratch. I made the trip to the SoE's Office, picked up the form, sent it to her, got it back to them 10 DAYS before the election of 11.3.22 and guess what never showed up in Our Daughter's mailbox? You betcha, her BALLOT, not even on election day. But of course, incompetence was IAN's Fault. Worse was the PPP (Presidential Preference Primary) this past March, when she specifically did NOT Request a "VMB"(Vote by Mail) Ballot but 1 mysteriously appeared in violation of Newest State Law (SB7050, 2023) and the SoE himself addressed my concerns in a reply email, that was "VR Systems Fault"....a subcontractor of all the SoE's that Chris has written extensively about, who is most likely as a private company subcontracting services to Florida SoE's (all of them) unaccountable to Public Record Requests. NO LAWFUL VOTER Should be prevented from casting their ballot in this state and having it lawfully counted. It is the Cornerstone of our Constitutional Republic. Wake Up Floridians, You're Losing Your State almost as fast as we're losing our Country. -Michael "Mick" Peters

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Just wondering, if you win the election while the current voting system is in place, will you claim cheating? Or do you only claim it when you don't win? If you're so sure they're cheating, why even bother running at all since you will certainly lose?

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Dan, regardless of the outcome of this election I win. Either I am elected and the election is fair and honest or I lose because of the widespread fraud and as I candidate I have standing to expose all the vectors of fraud in a court of law. Either way the people of Pinellas County get a win. The Pinellas County and Florida Election Fraud Mafia... Not so much...

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So, the barometer for a fair and honest election is your victory? Despite no actual change being made by the accused party of cheaters, what you're saying is the only way to know if you were right all along is if you lose?

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I accidentally clicked absolute on 1st ques and could not change it 😖

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Who runs the deep state?

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Ok, how does this blog post get 44, 36 and 25 responders to the poll questions and nearly HALF of them think the election was proper?!?!? WTH?!!! 🤷‍♀️

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OMG these leftists are like cancer cells! They infiltrate everywhere! 😡

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News flash, you can be a republican and not think there is voter fraud at every level of government Gail. Until I'm presented with actually compelling evidence that is clear cut and definitive, I just can't get behind this nonsense. The supposition that elected officials from the top branches to the bottom are all in a mass conspiracy is wild.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Author

Dan, you want compelling evidence? Go obtain a copy of the Audit Logs directly from your Supervisor of Elections and then we can have a well informed conversation. That way you know where you got the data from. https://immutabletruthelections.substack.com/p/is-es-and-s-hiding-evidence-of-widespread

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

You're welcome to your views Dan but imo you are being WILLFULLY IGNORANT.

Try dipping your eyes and ears into the research of people who ARE doing deep dives into the data and the processes and I am confident you will change your mind.

One group you might want to explore is United Sovereign Americans. https://unite4freedom.com/

Although there are multiple other groups of fine citizens across the entire country who have dug into this and found grotesque QUESTIONS that few or no officals are willing to answer let alone acknowledge

Declaring "everything's fine here" is just as ignorant as saying "everything is corrupted here".

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